Tamara Cashour
Composer/Arranger/Collaborative Pianist
Video: "Henrietta Swims the Harlem" Credit by Tamara Cashour. Excuse the "home movie" quality of this video, but I wanted everyone to meet Henrietta, a duck who arrives before all the others each Spring on the Harlem River. She swims up and then back the length of the section of the River from the Broadway Bridge to the Amtrak Bridge over the Hudson, presumably seeking a nesting spot? One year she had 10 baby ducklings! She was the first bird I spotted in 2014 when we moved from Manhattan to the Bronx. I looked out upon the river, and spotted a lone duck making her trek. Each year I look for her and am overjoyed when she arrives!
The following is a non-exhaustive list of links to websites of conservationist groups who care for the welfare of birds, and are dedicated to their conservation and preservation from extinction, Please consider a visit or donation to these organizations if you are able. Make the world safe again for birds, our beautiful soaring and swimming neighbors on Planet Earth!
NATIONAL AUDUBON SOCIETY: https://www.audubon.org/ A national resource center for literally Everything Birds--from conservation to education on how to help and relate to our fine feathered friends. Call the Washington DC headquarters to find out if you have a local chapter, or visit the site to learn more.
1200 18th St NW, Washington, DC 20036
Phone: (202) 861-2242
AMERICAN BIRDING ASSOCIATION: www.aba.org. Excellent resource on birding how-tos and ethics. Sponsors conventions and other events. Provides an exhaustive Listing/Taxonomy and "Outbirding with Field Guides" virtual adventures. Podcasts and publisher of BIRDING magazine.
AMERICAN BIRD CONSERVANCY: https://abcbirds.org. Learn how you can help prevent bird declining populations. Focus on current threats and solutions. A site chock-full of useful information for those who wish to be proactive in helping birds.
ALABAMA AUDUBON: https://alaudubon.org/. A great state chapter of the Audubon Society. Provides online courses, talks, tours and other events, and is active in both land and coastal bird stewardship.
ARTS EDUCATION MEETS BIRD CONSERVATION: SYMPHONY OF THE HAWAIIAN BIRDS: https://www.hawaii.edu/news/2018/05/15/symphony-of-the-hawaiian-birds/. A symphony dedicated to outreach education on near-extinct Hawaiian forest birds. Promotes conservation and bird preservation via the University of Hawaii.
BETH GOFFE BIRDING TOURS OF CENTRAL PARK--Check out Beth's Facebook Page, where you will find information and can book a tour!
CAPE MAY, NJ FALL MIGRATION TOUR: https://www.naturalistjourneys.com/tours/2021/10/12/cape-may#overview. A renowned international annual birding tour of the Cape May, NJ coast, sponsored by Naturalist Journeys. Home of the World Series of Birding. Cape May is considered the premiere birding destination in North America to witness fall migration, especially for raptors. Tours are timed for peak of land/sea birding diversity.
CATOCTIN CREEK PARK: www.recreator.com Located in the beautiful Middletown Valley in my home state of Maryland, county of Frederick. Six nature trails. Flora and fauna include deer, owls, Maryland native birds and deciduous and pine forests. Bird walks and conservation workshops. The creek borders the Park on two sides. Local farms provide additional sight-seeing interest.
2929 Sumantown Road
Middletown, Maryland 21769
CORNELL LAB OF ORNITHOLOGY: birds.cornell.edu. Educate yourself on the science of birds. Workshops, Lectures, Webinars and much more (all online during COVID). Visitor Center closed during COVID but trails open.
159 Sapsucker Woods Rd.
Ithaca, NY 14850 (map)
1-800-843-BIRD (2473)
EBIRD.org: A powerful, comprehensive database of seasonal and rare bird sightings. Affiliated with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Sign up for a free account and be sure to check out their Science/Conservation page at: https://ebird.org/science/research-and-conservation
EMILIE STORRS: Emilie is an expert birder and photographer of birds. You'll often find exhilarating shots of rare bird sightings on her Facebook page. Emilie took some of the photos in the FORBEARANCE film . https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=Emilie%20Storrs
FEMINIST BIRD CLUB (Brooklyn, NY). Molly Adams, Director. https://molly-adams.com/feminist-bird-club. Mission: The Feminist Bird Club is dedicated to promoting inclusivity in birding while fundraising and providing a safe opportunity for members of the LGBTQIA+ community, BIPOC, and women to connect with the natural world.
QUOGUE WILDLIFE REFUGE: www.quoguewildliferefuge.org. A personal favorite out on the East End of NY's Long Island. 3 Old Country Road, Quogue, NY. 11759. I discovered this sanctuary quite by accident on a summer 2015 visit to Westhampton Beach. Small, but loving and personal. Takes in and cares for permanently injured animals (birds, turtles, foxes) who cannot survive in the wild. Sponsors "Full Moon Night Hikes" and many other programs for families to learn about conservation. Beautiful trails and lakes for self-guided hiking. Look for their annual June Music Concert Series. I still grieve for Sam, their resident bald eagle who was sadly stolen from his cage in 2018. Sam was 35 years old and had been shot by a hunter, necessitating that his right wing be amputated. Sam will never fly again. There is a reward for his return. A special place in my heart exists always, for QWR and their loving treatment of animals who cannot fend for themselves.
SANDY HOOK STATE PARK, NEW JERSEY: http://www.conservewildlifenj.org/blog/2020/03/27/wild-new-jersey-savoring-springtime-at-sandy-hook/ https://www.aba.org/birding-sandy-hook/ ALSO: NEW JERSEY AUDUBON: njaudubon.org. Probably my favorite place in the world. Well, besides Paris, perhaps. I have visited SH so many times and taken reams of bird footage. Home to ospreys, gulls, geese, plovers, and many many more. Frequent bird tours in conjunction with NJ Audubon. A beautiful mystical spot. Go !