Tamara Cashour
Composer/Arranger/Collaborative Pianist
News 2022!
Strauss Walzerfolgen I und II Preface Published October 2022
My preface, the third I've scripted for the Musikproduktion Hoeflich Publishers located in Munich, Germany, has been published online and will soon appear in hard copy. Thank you to musicologist and Strauss scholar Bryan Gilliam, whose research proved invaluable to my own research on these two elusive Waltz sequences with a checkered past! It was truly difficult to locate and unearth relevant material on these compositions; Mr. Gilliam's books were extremely thorough in this regard. Read here in both English and German: Richard Strauss - Walzerfolgen 1 and 2 from Der Rosenkavalier (musikmph.de) Additional analysis located here: WRITINGS/RESEARCH-Richard Strauss | composer-pianist (tamaracashourcomposer-pianist.com)
Two of my JUILLIARD "SHORTS" to be performed as part of NEW YORK COMPOSERS CIRCLE 2022-23 season.
My short compositions for solo Piccolo and Contrabassoon, which as a programmed "duo" represent
the outer parameters of range in common orchestral instruments, will be performed Monday, February
13, 2023 as part of The New York Composers Circle 2022-23 concert entitled "The Interval Between".
My pieces: "Piccolo Giardino" and "Contra-Indication" are part of a compilation of short compositions
which I wrote in the Advanced Orchestration classes at the Juilliard School, and are copywritten under
the title Juilliard Shorts. A third composition, related to the Piccolo and Contrabassoon compositions,
will not be peformed at this hearing. It features the two instruments in a trio with piano and is entitled:
"This Not A Re-Imagining". This piece is a humorous social commentary on the bandwagon trend which
"reinterprets" older works of the classical canon for modern audiences. The latter work's centripetal
composition is based on themes from Verdi's opera RIGOLETTO and features polytonality.
2/13/2023 at NYC's National Opera Center. More details here:

FORBEARANCE, my choral composition for SATB large chorus, birdcallers + minimal electronics, has placed as a finalist in the 2022 Professional Choral Composition Division of The American Prize. Stay tuned for further details. After first being honored as a semi-finalist, I am delighted to be honored at the FINALIST level for this prestigious award! See: https://www.tamaracashourcomposer-pianist.com/forbearanceworldpremiere and/or FORBEARANCE - YouTube
QUEENS SUITE, my chamber music composition in seven (7) movements, was also named a finalist for the American Prize 2022 in the Instrumental Chamber Music Division. QS features dedications to seven ladies, who have achieved the status of bonafide Queen or near-Queen, as well as those women who bear the moniker figuratively of a particular domain. The Queens are identified only by two initials, which might be their first and last name, but also may be the initials of an object with which they are each closely identified. In performance, the audience is asked to guess the particular "queen" who is paid tribute by the musical movement. I have plans to expand the work to include 3 new "queens", who will each have their own separate movement. For violin, viola, cello and harp. Includes solo material for each instrument. Listen here: (20) Queens Suite | by Tamara Cashour - YouTube
'BALDI BUDDY OL' PAL was performed May 18, 2022 as part of NYCC's "MASTERS OF MODERNISM" concert
'BALDI BUDDY OL' PAL, my composition for piano solo based on Girolamo Frescobaldi's Cento Partite Sopra Passacaglia, will be performed in its professional world premiere as part of The New York Composers Circle upcoming "Masters of Modernism" concert. My piece is a set of variations which is itself built upon a set of variations, including a jazz variation. The piece explores various piano styles old and new, based on Frescobaldi's motivic material, and will be performed by the extraordinary concert pianist Christopher Oldfather. 'Baldi Buddy Ol' Pal was first premiered by award-winning virtuoso pianist Llewellyn Sanchez-Werner as part of The Juilliard School Evening Division composition readings. See: www.newyorkcomposerscircle.org